Tks earlier thread which really helped with 14a. gtfl advise on 9a It identifies 5s last novel (7) 5d is Lehmann and I have E?H?D?A
much appreciated...
Finished apart from 10 across Clubs with Henry forward won? Small division only C?ON Leaning towards CRON for C(H)ronological but a small niggle says it could be CION alternative spelling for SCION In...
26A School disturbed after losing Head, went downhill (8) I've got S???S?E? The first S comes from 17D Pardons one for initially usurping duties (7) for which I've got Excuses. Thanks in advance.
Cannot get the last one for love or money - 2 down - certain elegant poems issued from his bishopric - C?R?E?T looks as if it might be CORBETT - have tried poets, bishops (factual and fictional) -...
One has to admit former match revolting (7)
And.. can any Azeder please confirm that 7D is Garter.
Soak newspaper up in a flash ?(6)
ret (soak) rag (newspaper ) reversed....