32 across: What's associated with Milton (centrally)? Blindness may have affected such (4). I have e?ne, so it must be either "eyne" or "eine", both of which are old words for eyes. Can anybody advise...
Old woman in truth abandoning husband (4)
As I had tr?t I presume the answer is "trut" but I cannot find this in the Chambers dictionary.
Am I right?...
Post Mortem listener 4691 39ac why does old Charlie = sot? 28dn why does Henry iv duke = neaffe? At the time I grumbled that solving this puzzle required specialist knowledge ie musical notation. I...
there is an extra letter in the clue... 9d Hello, perhaps none are tips from nefarious sorcerers MAGIANS NS from NefariouS but the rest? 16d Seven plugs covering part of column SCAPE ....... CAPE is...
Stuck on this one: A team mostly out of sorts having right inside for transfer (8) Begins alia....
Amsure the second 'a' is correct so answer cannot be 'alienate'....
Sage I’d omitted separately from formal food item, stuffing weighed (6) ?????T Tenor interrupting part of his programme once annoyed (5) Stong? Eg Dal creating trouble for Indian village (4) Cowardly...
This a 22d. "Product of the numbers before and the one after." The answer is "four". Is it because the two numbers in the number of the clue are 2 and 2 and 2x2 =4 but regardless where does "and the...
Clue = "Cooler sort of house, where shades may close on boy". Answer = "prison". I get that "cooler" = prison but not the rest. Probably being dense as usual but any help appreciated. The clue is from...