I bet he don't get let off with a slapped wrist. /// Pastor Jones' son, said It's pretty ridiculous. In England you have got radical Muslims demonstrating in the streets and...
I want to order a ZTE F107 PAYG phone on the 3 network. Box contents (internet) does not mention a SIM card. Will it be included in the phone? Also, is this a good deal, not just phone but tarriffs?... If those who claim the so called 'paranormal' doesn't exist want food for thought, do please watch it - that is if you can bear to think outside your...
Trying to uninstall BearShare music lab. Keep getting a box saying BearShare has stopped working when I press the unistall button. Uninstalled other programs successfully. Laptop has Vista on it.... Do you think it wrong if the Goverment scraps the Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA)? This small weekly sum must be very beneficial to some students of poorer families in...
I have lent my son and his partner the lump sum off my pension to help them buy a house. They promise to repay me in four years with a remortgage on the house. Can I draw up my own legally binding...
Asked to fill in an opinion survey recently on alcohol problems and minimum pricing, I said that I thought the availability of alcohol was a major factor in the social problems it caused, and not the...
If the bing bang theory was real could someone tell me how we ended up on this place witch just happens to be perfect for us and if facts are made by knowing something is there any documantary on the...
One would think that a person who could think rationally would be consistent about it. But this seems not to be so. Below is a thread about a chap who rejects God but believes in an afterlife, even...
Ive read a lot of the literature by researchers (Moody, Ring, Ross etc) and read the opposing hypothosis that these experiences are caused by nothing more than a dying brain. Ive mentioned in...
It struck me suddenly, right in me gob, and dripped down me chin and onto me soup encrusted shirt. Eureka! I have been accused, or rather, credited, with all of the necessary attributes to become the...
If there really is a heaven as many seem to think, would this also not include suicide bombers (and Answerbank trolls)? I would imagine that anyone who believes so vehemently in their convictions that...
Firstly forgive me if my question sounds silly but i was recently dumped again by my EX Jehovah witness boyfriend. This is the 3 rd time he's done it. Whilst he professed to no longer be a Jehovah...
best quote I have read so far ... (shamelessly lifted from the BBC website) ... From Hugh, 23, Wales: "My old man just informed me 'the last time this happened, you were being conceived'. Just...