Tories determined to tough it out aka run scared.
I never thought I'd support John Major but in preference to what we have in his place I'm right with him.
Boris , When I am a Real Elected P/M" I will get Brexit done" . Remember the £350 million a week, we will save on leaving the E/U .That will help fund the NHS, { " On The Bus " }. Well I forgot to...
by storming out and going home because some people may have been bad mouthing him?
Twice today my posts have been edited. Is this a new policy? If so, I think it should be re-examined. I for one am not happy for other people to change what I've written. That simply isn't right.
"Working Class Men are Likely to be Drunk, Criminal, Aimless ,Feckless and Hopeless,
And that is Boris trying to recruit the support of the Working man . W A P....
Boris was invited by Channel 4 but declined. Two questions - why did he decline and do we want a PM who hides from public scrutiny?
Ice sculpture instead of Boris - brilliant!
Boris Johnson said "Children of Single Mothers are Ill raised, Ignorant , Aggresive, and Illegitimate" I know this is old news but he still said it....
Looks like Money Printing might follow Passport Printing by going abroad.
Taking back control ? You're having a laugh !
In other words, Labour intends to fill young minds with its own anti-British brand of politics rather than history. And there’s more. Be afraid …...