You're being a bit selfish hogging this whole section with dozens of questions, many of which could be easily answered if you took a bit of time to look them up yourself.
Does anybody know where I can find links to detailed information on the banning of the Life of Brian in a number of European countries? Incidentally, when it was eventually released in Sweden the...
Is there some big secret about getting the cheapest price for car hire without spending two days online? I have the same problem every time I try to hire a car. I've just spent the past 24 hours...
How do I re-tune my television to the video channel. It' s an old Sanyo - probably over ten years old and I can' t find the manual. Sanyo don't have it on line either. Can anyone help?
Last night on NMTB, one of the women in the line-up where you had to identify someone who was in the charts years ago was, I am convinced, the controlling health-obsessive woman on the episode of...