Yesterday I took delivery of the LaCie Desktop Hard Disk USB 2.0. It is meant to be plug and play and when I plugged in the power and USB my PC detected the new hardware and after a few minutes said...
Hi, really stumped on two. 15)across:- prince in kids' tv has no spirit, but inwardly good. 6 letters n*****, although I am almost sure the third letter is a 'g'. 16)down:- i'm fencing rough acre...
I missed my deadline for paying and fix penelty notice on ?60 and 3 points. I got a letter to say it will be passed to the court and i will have to defend myself here. This was now back in January...
what is the guys name that helps you save money/advice on how to handle credit cards etc....he comes on gmtv and ive seen him on some other programs,i think on bbc 2?
It's taking me teo to three minutes to get to view different pages, yet other web sites I log on to are O.K. so it is not my computer. Anybody else having difficulties?
1. sussex D (5) 2. Bath B (4) 3. Oxford B (4) 4. Yarmouth B (8) 5. Leicester S (5) 6. Paisley S (6) 7. York H (3) 8. Norwich C (8) 9. Portland C (6) 10. Windsor C (5) 11. Boston S (5) 12. Honiton L...
My neighbours (who are too lazy to garden) recently employed a friend who is a builder to come and totaly clear all his fences of any growing object and cut down all mature trees. The 6ft chain fence...
Has anybody unravelled the mystery of 14A? Presumably it gets the clue listed as 15A, but this clue has us completely stumped. For 14A we have the letters Y_NAS that don't appear to correspond to any...
my friend was involved with gang fighting, what actually happened was that one night out him and his mates about 4 of them altogether decided to fight this one guy! They beat him up and when he was...