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If you were 27 (and female)! Would you rather date a 20 year old or a 37 year old?!! (male!)x
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Hey girls !! I have 2 piercings in each ear!! Was thinking of going to get one in the top of my ear!! Does this hurt any more than the normal ear piercings?? Im a wimp!! LOL!!! x
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I have terrible eyebrows and they make me so self conscious! If i pluck them i get a really bad rash that wont go! I have overplucked them in the past and made a mess! They are thick, dark and the...
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Ok....i have a cold but normally i can cope! BUT i also feel light headed, sick, off my food, out of energy and just plain yuk!! Whats up with me ?? :-( xx
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I have a portable tv in my room, no scart socket, can i connect a dvd player to it??
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I had an exploratory operation in december and they found i had a distended bowel - what does this mean? Lately my stomach is making some odd noises, like im hungry, it rumbles but its doing it after...
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Been smoking only a year and a half! 20 a 10! Help me quit, i hate it but im hooked! x
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I ised to live with my ex. I left and left my furniture which he is paying me ?50 a month (all he can apparently afford) but he rings and texts constantly, makes lies up like people are telling him i...
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I have a mobile that i can plug in via usb on my computer to transfer files. Ive managed to transfer pictures from my pc to mobile but having problems with music. Can you convert a wma file into an...
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How long before you told that special someone 'i love you'? And how did you know you were in love? xx
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Sold my house, going travelling for 6 months! What can i do with my mail? Will royal mail hold it for me?
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Strange Question but.... I shaved it all off! Now im not sure i should have! Do men find this attractive or not??!!!!
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If someone was being dna tested to see who a child belonged to how do they go about this? Is it blood or swabs from the mouth? Does the child get tested and the apparent parents? Call me stupid!!
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Im sure there are already lots of age gap questions on here but i suppose everyones different! Im 26 and am seeing a 19 year old! His sister is 17 and seeing a 28 year old! What do you think of these...

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