Funnily enough lots of people call me tink, and most call me pixie....i would LOVE to change my name to pixie :0) I just sometimes think why not lol........ Mums name is catherine-anne but she gets...
(on the subject of names) Calls me a string of names before my own (me= johanne, female) Example..."eleanor, maryfrances, karen, sean, i mean john, awwww JOHANNE" Or..."daniel, ciaran,...
Good evening fellow Abers, I'm gonna use this to have a bit of a rant/public mental breakdown. I just don't know what's wrong with me at the moment, I've been highly stressed all week and, although I...
I called my work yesterday to say i wouldnt be in as my aunt had died and i had funeral arrangementd and rosaries to boss said...."ok" And that was that. Not even a sorry for...
What was the name of the american teen tv show which featured a girl who would go to school in plain clothes, then dress up and put make up on in the toilets at school?
Where has this trend come from - where, in answer to a question - people start their sentence / answer , with the word ' so ......'
You hear it a lot on tv and radio...
The extremist Christian group, Westboro Baptist Church is planning to picket the funeral of Elizabeth Taylor. One tweet from Margie Phelps, daughter of the church’s leader Fred Phelps, said:...
at last they are ready,had to ask to have them delivered from london to glasgow and they are sending them by royal mail,it will cost between £40-£60 but at least we will have them at home.
Picked Ben up from schools and he wanted to play outside with his little pal he came running in out of breath "Grandma, Grandma... there's loads of midgets out there so Euan has been bashing them...
Why should I work when if I don't I get all my rent paid council tax paid and £120 every two weeks , But if I work for min wage full time I would only end up with £30 a week for my self...