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Charles wants Camilla to be made queen not just a princess consort when he takes to the throne. Apparently 'insiders' have claimed he wants to gain public support so that they can both be crowned....
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If you were the powers that be, would you put money into this farce again next year? I didn't watching the programme, I do have to say - I'd rather stick pins in my eyes - but I gathered that it has...
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Is he entertaining? Did he deserve his recent awards? Or is he:- 1) Banal, puerile, patronising and irritating? 2) Is his "wacky & zany" style just half a step up from Timmy Mallet? "What do you think...
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I now respect Billie a great deal - she is not taking a penny from the ginger wonder which is in total contrast to Ms gold-digger Mills-McCartney. Right from the start of the McCartney romance, she...
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I'm soooo bored of TV at the moment, I am actually willing it to start as soon as poss!
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Why is she having it off with (dreary) Derek? i mean is she just an old slag - or has Vern really done something wrong?? i mean as far as i can see, he's a bit of a 'chancer' but dont think he...
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Kiwi the 1st
What is the most gory film you've ever seen, for me it has to be Day of the Dead (1985)
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Why did Anthony hopkins shoot holes in the windows?
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your local radio station?
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Can someone please tell me how this film ended as I think I missed the end. I saw Sandra Bullock getting up with a pregnant belly - was that the end??
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I trawl through these questions and am at a total loss. I don't watch ANY of these shows. Am I just old, or am I unique in not watching any of these TV programs from America? We have, or at least had,...
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Does anyone know if there is going to be another series of this great programme? It seems that the hotel is being sold off and everyone is leaving. HELP!
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I'm not sure if it is because I admire them or because of something else but I do not fail to miss watching Alan Sugar, Simon Cowell (with the exception of American Idol!) or Gordon Ramsey when...
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Anyone else hoping Hannah wins ?
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Isnt he fabulous tonight he skated like a dream, I think he will win, do you?
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gina32 49.stm and kate thornton, is this good or bad
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I recently received a letter from Readers Digest, saying I have won a place in their prize draw. There are two reply envelopes to return the draw tickets. One says YES and you have to suscribe to the...
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AB Asks
Jade Goody is making a four day visit to India following the Big Brother race row. The 'private' trip paid for by Jade herself, is hoped to build some peace. Her visit has already caused chaos with...
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Is there anywhere I can play this old arcade game online? I love it! Any help would be appreciated, many thanks
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We've recently been watching "The World at War" on the History channel. It's old, but it's brilliant. What do you think is the best documentary ever made?

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