What industry do you work in? Have you ever been threatened that your job isn't safe due to the recession? Or have you lost your job as a result? How many of you are lucky enough to be in a completely...
How sad that only Lofty is concerned about young children being used as carers for disabled family members. This should not be their responsibility. Whether or not you watched tonight's programme...
Did anyone else feel upset by last night's episode?.It is bad enough reading about the sex- grooming and prostitution of young girls but entirely different when you actually see a programme .Somehow...
Another blooming hot day forecast again today, 32 degrees, please can we have some rain? We have forgotten what it looks like here in the S.E.
My poor garden is really suffering.....
Got my *blue* uniorm (no more student white).... And a badge calling me a registered nurse! (!!!!) when did that happen LOL The texts are coming through offering shifts... One nightshift on a kids...
Told Ian she had to sell Bobby's games to buy food - er remind me again exactly what businesses she runs? The copper who told Ben he was going to be charged - surely he didn't give him the correct...
I would love to know what other people think of this situation. A week last Friday me, my fella, my sister and her husband all went to the Olympics and had a brilliant time at the Excel watching the...