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How can I get YouTube e-mails out of my in box into my Windows Media Player.
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During my work, I meet all sorts. Last week, I interviewed a young woman that had a 6 foot Royal Python as a pet ! I don't mind corn snakes but this thing gave me the willies ! It was HUGE ! She sat...
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mikey4444 If that is a true picture of where this tw6t did his 130 mph, then he deserves to be put away for years, not months !...
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It seem that someone has crunched the numbers and that the rickshaw operator who charged £206 for a 1 mile journey was actually cheaper than the journey claimed on expenses by Bercow for a journey in...
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Got 2 upstairs radiators that don't work. The system is certainly 30 years old but most of it, including the boiler and pump have been replaced recently. What's the best way to check the 2 upstairs...
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I have read so many things and articles about grouting between garden patio (light use) flagstones. Dry, wet, this that. I have black grey flags. They are not a shiny type sealed surface as I could...
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can any of you tell me why for the last couple of months when i come downstairs in the morning my router is showing all the lights including the red one? i know i have to switch it off at the mains...
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had an interesting day?
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mikey4444 Alex Salmond could be right here. If Britain as a nation, votes to come out of the EU in any future referendum, he is saying that it would precipitate a...
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1. Is there any reason why you can't stand further away than the oche ? 2. Are there any rules re girls and heels ? Ta Mal...
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the site is NTI cd maker. It may have been free on my laptop wnen i bought it years ago but is now getting annoying. it does not seem to be listed on my list of programs
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I recently switched to the BT super fast Hub for my wi fi and now my PC says it cannot detect the scanner. Any ideas?
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When on here I keep getting the message "answer bank is not responding" and have to go through the rigmarole and trying to get it moving again. Any ideas?...
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You will have noticed about whatever subject, then a member disagrees or has a snide remark then it starts, what the hell is a matter with people? each person's views are different, except it, I have...
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He had shortly arranged to include it for the lady 5letters -d-t- many thanks for your help
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A new policy on dress code standards issued by Gloucestershire Police advises officers to be clean shaven, or wear a beard net....
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thing's for kids that look like a snake, with a spring inside that you can compress and put it in a box or a draw, and when they are opened it shoots in the air and makes a squeaky noise?...

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