Why has Talk Radio production decided to switch their radio signal to sister-channel TalkSport every weekend all weekend, to broadcast sport instead of current affairs, whilst TalkTV remains live... ...
Ofcom has fined GB News "£100,000 for breaking impartiality rules with a programme featuring the former Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. It seems Selected members of the public were invited to listen... ...
Can somebody enlighten me as to the correct pronunciation of the above Warwickshire house? There are so many different ways of pronouncing the 'ough' combination of letters in our language.
How much, as a rough estimate, might I expect to be paid by the Editor of a local newspaper, for an original item of local interest, of say, 300-400 words, if it were published ? I appreciate such...
Can anyone tell me who wrote the new single by Tony Christie called 'Every Word She said', and where I can find the correct lyrics, please..? It was played on Terry Wogan's Radio 2 show a couple of...
Can anyone please explain how to identify the Windows files which make up the Backgammon game ? It exists on my pc under Windows XP, and I don't use it - but my wife loves it and for some reason...
I am planning on watching a really Scary film on Halloween just as a bit of fun. I dont usually watch scary films so I am wanting to watch one of the most horrible scary films ever. anyone know any.
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-108062 1/Russell-Brand-Jonathan-Ross-face-prosecution -obscene-air-phone-calls-Fawlty-Towers-actor-7 8.html Should these two face prosecution and even banned...
For the 2nd year running we have had lots of frogs mating quite happily - and noisily! in our pond. Last year was the first time I ever heard frogs croaking in real life. But despite all the action...
I must be - I tuned into Russel Brand on Radio Two tonight, and I could only manage ten minutes before I had to switch it off! Undistracted by his weird Paganini / Byron appearence, I was left with...
Can anyone recommend any good novels about ghost stories? My best friend is really into the supernatural and also loves reading. Thought I might get her a spooky book for her birthday! Thanks.x
I am reading the Black Angel by John Connolly at the moment, I am finding it a bit like wading through treacle but very rearly do I give up on a book, I am sure if I could have read it quicker it may...
wat would you rather be doing at this moment in time and who with(just a bit of fun) i would like to be on the beach in barbados with my bf getting really hot and getting a nice tan. then going out...
Has anyone seen any good movies recently that they can recommend. The Constant Gardener has been much praised by critics but I dont think that necessarily always means it will be enjoyable to watch.
out of all 25 topics which are other ab ers favourites? i visit film and tv ,then food and drink,then adverts ,i only very occasionally visit the others