This week, in one frame, the black was twice in the middle of the middle pocket (about an inch away) and I had got the cue ball in front of the other middle pocket. I hit the cue ball at six o'clock...
we have a great bird bath in our garden but no matter how much we scrub it clean it goes green within days. Does anyone ha ve any ideas for keeping it clear for a decentv length of time please?
I have a new samsung tv. with my preious model I could get the words being spoken shown at the bottom of the screen by pressing 888. this new model doesnt work the same. can anyone tell me how to do...
The cue ball was in the 'D' and I was given a free ball. I selected the yellow ball and missed the middle pocket (theyre very difficult on our table). thecue ball finished up behind the brown...
Since having an operation on my broken ankle I have been unable to walk far and I am applying for a blue disabled car badge. . I get pain and my foot does not bend as it should so I can only walk...
Can anyone advise how long it takes to recover from pleurisy. My relative has been sufering from it for six weeks now and doesnt seem to be getting better although he has had two or three lots of...
I have recently missed the pack and all the other balls on the break off. One opponent says I should start again as the game hasnt started until a ball is hit. Second says I should start again but...
1. German word for calssical songs L?E?E?. 2.Pastry shell containing minced foods T?M?A?E. 3.Direction for all to leave the stage. E?E??? 4 Fraudulent investment scheme P???I. Thank you....
My laptop battery only lasts for about four hours. Is this a normal time. I have been told to keep it charging permanently, but I have also been told that constant charging will ruin the battery...
The know alls in my snooker club keep telling me there is a difference between snooker tables and billiard tables. They wont tell me what it is. can anyone enlighten me because I cant see it, and they...
My question is - why are my fuschia leaves covered with dark red marks. If was was any other plant I would thnk it was rust but I dont think it affects fuschias. Any ideas what it is or whether I can...
My fuschias leaves have dark red marks on them. If it was any other plant I would say it was rust but I dont think they suffer from it. Any one got any ideas and how to elinminate it for next year....
I recently asked about bumble bees under my shed. Once I knew they woudnt bother me I have got quite used to them. Unfortunately over the last two days they have started walking about unable to fly...
The tomatoes I have grown this year are now all ripenning nicely but the skins are all as tough as old boots. I am growing three different varieties and they are all the same. Does anyone have any...
ctress and producer of Ugly Betty ???M? ??Y?K Purple flowering plsant beleived to ward off evil ?E?O?y Brazilian contestant of X factor in 2010 ?A?N?R Thanks everyone I'm hopeless again this week'...