just had a delicious punnet of blackberries from ASDA, every one delicious. Took me back to when as kids we'd go picking them from the brambles and occasionally I'd get one as good as the ones in my...
Everyone knows his real name! why do they employ thick people at airports?...
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1958-ford-popular-pop-/262532402324?hash=item3d20268c94:g:1AoAAOSwbsBXjTeH ok I have looked this up on DVLA and it does indeed say it was registered in 1958 but that format...
http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-36841066 I think it's a sign that Tracy is intending to invoke A50 soon and it makes sense, even if it is our turn we should not be meddling in what is left behind....
http://metro.co.uk/2016/07/14/auschwitz-reminds-people-its-disrespectful-to-play-pokemon-go-at-a-former-nazi-death-camp-6007482/ Leaving aside the despair I have for mankind for this latest craze,...
Lurking on the back benches, possibly, the next Labour PM is doing his/her best to stay out of the sheer embarrassment of foolery that is occurring before us. The current leader, likely to be cheated...
http://news.sky.com/story/mcdonnell-apologises-for-labour-gig-outburst-10504481 Has a democratically elected leader ever been so vilified by his own party? I'll never forgive Labour for making me have...