Does anyone have ideas for these cryptic clues to animals - The County of Elgin (and its anagram + h). Black and white photo taken in Liverpool on 8/8/69. London saw cut off a paw. many thanks Sue
Have been trying to do this xword for ages without success. Can anyone help please? 1a.partly roofed walled enclosure for coal. 3d. a man in the ballet. 7d. marshy place. 14d. the devil. 4a. Histrion.
11a the well off won't be on it4,5 s???/ 15a whether working or resting,fitfully 2,3,3 27a a nutcase!5.6 ???S?/H???E? 7d are they worth more than golden handshakes?7,6 ?I?????/????P? thanks
Can somebody please do something about the people who put questions from prize quizzes on this site without actually saying where they are from? People who are not doing the quiz unwittingly give...
Over the past few years I have been lucky enough to win a runners-up prize in both the Telegraph cryptic and YOU magazine crosswords.When I send them in now I use the names of friends and relatives as...
Countess Marcievitcz( very probably the incorrect spelling of her name.!) was the first woman to be elected to the House of Commons. Nancy Astor was the first woman to take her seat in the Commons....
4d In zoology, having many feet or foot-like parts (7). I have P-L-P-D Could someone, please, confirm POLYPED as I cannot find this word in any of my dictionaries.
Can someone confirm or correct with the last two I am not sure of please . 3d) Self-controlled . C?N?I?E?T Is that Confident ? 12a) Sophy , sickly child , consumed some medicine. P?Y?I? Is that...
1)Heavy honey? 2)Anne and Mary quietly with a boat called 'Hesitation' 3)Met play roughly around this club 4)It's a glastlier sister in turmoil here Thanks for any help
My wife has had severe stomach pains since Monday, and on Tuesday the doctor suggested that it may be gastritis. He gave her Zantac to take once a day, but after the third dose this morning, she is...
If JULIA has one child; DAWN has two children; ESMERALDA has three children; and ARABELLA has four children; then logically, how many children does BRYONY have?
March 2007 the Royal Mail issued a set of commemorative stamps to mark the 200th anniversary of the abolition of the slave trade, Which woman anti-slave campaigner is featured on the 72P stamp, Many...