Hi all, my hubby and i nearly split up a year ago, when he suddenly announced he doesn't want kids. I have never made a secret of the fact I wanted kids (I'm nearly 26) and he's never seemed to have a...
How do you know when you have mistaken a good friendship for something more? If you get on really well with someone and do find them attractive, but there are many reasons you shouldn't be together.....
Hi everyone, is there a way to get my hair to grow quicker? I'm being a brisemaid in summer and would love to have it put up only it's an inch of my shoulders yet and my shortest layer is really quite...
Why do people not like Blackpool ? It's not just known for getting drunk and amusements .I used to love it as a kid going in the tower the ride on the trams,the old winter gardens ,I say leave...
I have undercoated the spindles and newel posts on my new staircase in white ready for the ivory gloss and dyed the handrails with antique pine wood dye. It loks fab. the dye won't wash off my hands...
I know a fantastic girl, who I like more than I can type. However, she is engaged and seems really happy. Is it wrong for me to pursue possibly the love of my life?
Has anyone done the Myers Briggs personality test? If so what type are you, and do you think it's accurate? (You can do a quick one by putting Myers Briggs into google if you're interested)
My husband left the UK on Monday due to an immargation thing , he has has to go back to the US to applie for a spousal visa , even though we have been married for over 3 years and have lived here all...
Hi all, Feel a bit sneaky asking this, but I do ?2 a week on the lottery, Wed and Sat. Same numbers, and last night I won ?48 (biggest ever win) But I havent told the kids, as I secretly want to spend...
is it ok. if you imagine things every day? I am always imagining something....and i was wondering if this means there is something wrong with me. Does this mean that there is something wrong with me...
Anyone else tried them?.Quite suprised at results, the test suggests i prefer overweight people to thin people and am not agiest . anyone else tried them ? and where you suprised at the result,...
You know when you haven't seen certain relatives for a while and you get those little remarks , oh not married yet, still in the same job,little things that get to you but you can't go mad about. Does...
Cant help it,,, i know he is bald, a tad podgey and wears leather jackets that are way to small but cant help myself! Every good girl loves a bad boy,,,, anyone agree?
How many times does someone have to let you down before you stop trusting them! Do you tend to let people make a fool of you more than once or do you think once is enough, no more chances?
My boyfriend tells me he loves me and when we are together it's amazing. We are completey compatible and when we aren't together I think about him all the time. I'm not a clingy girlfriend- I don't...