Anyone got any idea which is the 'best' supported team in England? i.e. divide their average gate by the town or city's population to see who gets the highest percentage.
Will the American people be told about the thousands of anti-war and anti-Bush demonstrators when George Dubya visits UK on Thursday, or will the US news only report his shaking hands with Prince...
Why, at the end of every bulletin regarding this trial, do the news readers alwasy say that the two accused are pleading not guilty to the charges put before them? Is it a legal requirement?
I am well aware that a googolplex signifies a hugely large number but is their a term in mathematics to signify an infinitesimally small number........
I think this statement can be solved but I have not met anyone at all who agrees with me. The philosophical statement in question is 'Nothing unreal exists'........Can we discuss this please, I have...
Now the cold and flu season is upon us with a vengence, and the drug companies are hitting us from all sides with their cure-all's, does anyone know of any interesting old wives cures? And how can I...
Does anyone have (or know where I could find) a photo of Lawrence Dallaglio during the National Anthem before the France match at the World Cup? That would be such a superb picture.
My question is why are monthly magazines not released on the month that they are for? an example is a November issue of a magazine maybe comes out the last week of October instead of coming out the...
Can anybody suggest a beer that gives the least hangover. I get really bad hangovers with Kronenbourg and Bud but less severe ones with Fosters or Stella. Does anybody else find that, and are there...
Have a question which seems really trivial but just wanted other opinions. I have always hand washed my bras, which I always felt kept them whiter for longer (it says 'handwash on the label so I...
HELP - Daughter has been tasked to find some interesteing things that happened 1st Nov [year irrelevant but they are 10 year olds] for next year's school calendar, tried Jeeves, but it's not...
Hey, I know that the recommended Daily Water Intake is 8 Glasses but surely that depends on how big the glasses are? Can anyone tell me the daily intake in Litres per day please cos I drink a 2 Litre...
This has always bugged me - why do British people wash their dishes like they do - in a tub of soapy water without any clean running water. Surely the water gets dirty after the first or second dish....
In olden days there was a phrase for an individual who could fight with a sword using either hand. I know that its not ambidextrous and that we now use the word in a different context. Any one got any...
Why is former Spice Girl Victoria Beckham called 'Posh'? As far as I can see there's nothing posh about her. Her accent is unrefined and common (or is that put on?)