I know this has been asked may times before but I can't find the questions. How do I set up a throwaway email account, please? I have been trying, to no avail, to set one up using bt yahoo. I go...
so says david blunkett, it would not suprise when social cohesion breaks down http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2502072/Influx-Roma-migrants-spark-city-riots-warns-Blunkett.html...
I need help identifying the name of the rave song used in this video at around 0:29
thanks in advance!...
After al the moaning, groaning and utter repulsion over the last 2 weeks is the poppy being seen as to represent something else, rather than its original true meaning ? And will it fade out in time ?...
Researchers for the Highways Agency found over 200 dead crows on the A55 Expressway recently, and there was concern that they may have died from Avian Flu. An Animal Pathologist examined the remains...
Thanks so much to everyone who wished me a happy bithday for last Saturday. As some of you know, the present Mrs Hughes is away abroad working, and although I had a lovely family meal on Friday with...
Nadine Dorries,failed to declare her earnings from I am a celebrity get me out of here,have no fears Nadine, when you all appear at the next election 2015 ,it will be called I am a Tory get me out of...
I was looking forward to my weekly evening visit to the pub tonight so, knowing how my cat likes to follow me (with the possibility of her getting lost or run over), I tried to sneak out without her...
Samsung told me I needed to update the software on my tablet whichever I did. Now when I try to play a utube video, it tells me I need Adobe Flash player and click here to download. I was able to play...
Three guys are talking about scary events they've experienced. 'I got spooked by a load of bats outside a church late one night,' the first says. 'My house was being burgled and I woke up scared...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2498212/Muslim-convert-tasered-police-heard-chanting-wanted-kill-non-Muslims-trying-kill-policemen-firefighters-knife-rampage.html When will we really get tough...
... when you have each other's contact details to post on here telling someone to check their emails/FB messages? Are you trying to incite a third party to ask about the content of such messages or is...
My next door neighbour's son aged 12 - just joined new school last September - is now buying 12 cookies or whatever amount from Asda 3-4 times a week and putting them individually into a bag and...