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What ingredient can you put in spicy food to cool it down if its too hot when cooking.
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What is the weather like in June?
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What is the point of it? I've always wondered this. Why not call stairs 'stairs' instead of 'apples and pears'. Is it supposed to be in some way clever?
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Nothing like a nice bit of stereo typing - Scousers = Unemployed Thieves. Mancs = druggies. Glaswegians = drunks. Americans = Thick. French = Arrogant..............................what others are...
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Little pixie
I have had pain in my left hip and left knee for months.Spine x ray is clear but I have developed numbness in my left foot today,any idea what it could be?
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I can see the thinking behind some old fashioned remedies but why would you put butter on a bruise? Has anyone got an old cure that really works well?
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Are there any creams etc that can reduce the visibilty of scars (a burn) which is inconvinently on my hand?
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have just finished Far from the madding Crowd...and loved it. Can anyone recommend 2 more of Hardy's novels that are as good. Thanks.
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when was the last time that ralph bakshi's version was shown on tv and on what channel? i remember seeing it sometime in mid to late eighties, but an exact date would be very handy. thanks.
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What is meant by an 'uneducated woman'
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1943 BOK
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When are they touring?
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I'm trying to find a beautiful blissed out d&b track that's several years old - a kind of Moving Shadow or Good Lookin type break. The only real thing I have to go by is the vocal sample - from 'Taxi...
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I've read so many conflicting articles about the benefits as well as the drawbacks of milk. I've read that as well as helping to build bone mass with calcium, that semi-skimmed milk can also help to...
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What would people recommend as the best type of self defence skills for a young woman to learn?
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Does anyone know if it is possible to get these cats in the UK and if so how much i should expect to pay for one? After that are they just like regular cats? thanks
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What does the letter e mean that comes before weights on food products. Like 'e 150g' Its not just food but soap powder and other groceries.
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I am enquiring on behalf of my mother in law, whise sister recently died, she lived in caricaou and owned land there, is there any way of ensuring the land is passed on to her sister after death? How...
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...'A religion founded on philosophy' is this a fair description?
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new years eve is rapidly approaching and our thoughts all turn to the same thing: What shall we do this year??? I don't know where to go or what to do, have you got any good ideas for drinking...

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