Excellent challenge beautifully constructed. Shirley Curran is always good value as a setter. Fortunately for us G spotted the quotation very early on, which helped significantly.
Anything I say will set off yet another argument about easy and hard Listeners, so I'll leave it at thanking Piccadilly for a brief spell of entertainment....
Does anyone know where I can gain access to the online version of the old BBC magazine "The Listener"? Plenty of Universities subscribe to it but that's no good if you don't attend. Do any...
A lovely construction, with fairly straightforward clues. I hadn't come across the verse, and have only been able to locate the vital couplet -- if the rest of it is available I hope somebody will...
This has produced a giggle but it was a tough solve until the message appeared and we are going to have to be very careful with our checking of our final grid. What an amusing and original idea. Many...
I've searched bu apparently there is no Friday club for this very difficult offering by Sabre. I just got 17acr so I've finally finished. Phew! One of the hardest of the year, for sure. Thanks Sabre!...
Good fun, with sufficiently straightforward clues to render it not too challenging. I think 'across the grid' must be interpreted as 'all the way across the grid' to resolve ambiguities in entering...
Have just taken up my £1 special offer for first month of my Times subscription, and do hope I shall get better value for money in the coming weeks. I regret to say that this is just not up to...
Oh, what a struggle that was! Took me far too long to twig how to get started, and then progress was at snail's pace. Can't say that I'm a great fan (bring back last week's them any time!!) but it...
At times this was deeply frustrating -- after making a lot of progress all at once I lost track of what I knew and what I didn't. Eventually managed to make the breakthrough once I made use of a real...
This must be our fastest solve ever but what a pleasure to have a straight-forward crossword by an accomplished setter (who is the B crossword in this month's Magpie too - Magpie plug). The theme is...
Grid fill was not too bad and I have the location name and the famous puzzle. Am in the middle of finding the various thematic elements, not sure whether I will press on tonight or have a break until...
Best of luck with this one, everybody. I nearly quit with it being a carte blanche (sort of - at least we have word lengths) with indeterminate numbers of letters to be removed from clues, clashing...
The lack of numbers in the grid didnt hold this puzzle up for long and now having obtained a full grid, the author, birthplace, the removed five letter collection and one of the three novels...
Has anyone completed this? Downloaded it this afternoon, and have struggled to fill 40% of the grid (lots of scribblings in margins!). Now am at a complete standstill. Have checked AB for others who...
I have completed grid and have the four unclued entries, and after much searching (about which I know nothing) I can see 'acanthus' in top row, any hints re the other thematic answer and/or the hidden...