Thought I'd begin the Friday club. What joy to see another new Listener name and what succinct cluing! A speedy fill then a delightful pdm for me with the theme cleverly holding it all together and...
Interesting this one in that I know what the end result should be, with the evident truth clearly displayed, but I can't see how best to get there: I have a number of viable options depending on what...
Having seen the setter(s) I thought that this would be a real problem. Surprisingly, despite some tricky clues, it all fell into place quite quickly. I notice that these days they omit the instruction...
A pretty straightforward solve this week, as 6 or 8 cold solves revealed the likely method of entry. But, a well constructed puzzle, and a nice break after last week's brainbuster. Thank you Waterloo,...
I posted a perfectly polite notice on the Times website creating a discussion about this week's puzzle - along the lines of: "I am getting a bit fed up with the preponderance of cartes blanches,...
Despite only solving 2 of Shackleton's puzzles before (the Jackson Pollock puzzle and the Morse code/Beethoven prize winning puzzle of last year), I have been eagerly awaiting the next. This does not...
Invisible Ink was back in 1995, before I started solving the listener, however I have solved a few of Sabre's puzzles, who often uses ciphers and this is no exception. The grid filling started off...
I have a nice full grid, but not a clue what's going on. I don't want to know what the solution is, just that someone out there has seen a regular pattern (or whatever) that makes sense of the thing....
This is what the listener is all about. As soon as I saw Kea's name at the top I knew this was going to be good. This was a real challenge, the like we have been missing recently. Masterful...
A nice challenge and a clever construction, but as you can see, a quick finish. I'm interested to know whether others see what to do before or after discerning the 10 letter word. Cheers to Pointer,...
In a way typical of what we expect from Dipper, although harder than recent efforts. Initially a quick start developed into a much slower finish. I enjoyed tracking down the herbs but I thought the...
After part of the theme dawned on me half way through filling in the grid, i was thinking we were in for another stale ending. Luckily the ending took a fair amount of decoding, and it was very...
A very pleasant and enjoyable debut by Kevin. Some nice clues and a familiar theme which made me realise how quickly time passes. Possibly suitable for newcomers, but personally, I think that 32D is a...
Well, thank goodness we have a long weekend. I think I might need that to work out what the blazes the clues mean! I had one theory, but the rubric that all entries are different turned me towards a...
This week's offering is "The Glady Marsh" by Salamanca. This is only the second Salamanca Listener that I have seen that is not part of his Plays of the Bard series. Another fairly fast grid...
I wonder how people are getting on with this one. I found that all but one of the "normal" clues fell in fairly quickly, but now I'm staring at an almost-full grid with no idea how to progress. Any...
Enjoyable, and far less taxing than last week. No doubt the theme will not please everybody, but it's very prettily executed, with great economy and no ambiguity.