ventriloquists like Keith Harris and Roger DeCourcey. What about Professor Stephen Hawking? I saw him on telly blathering on about galaxies for hours and I never saw his lips move once. Genius
Hi, does anyone know if i can get plans to print off for making a thatched dolls house cottage, if not if i can maybe find a book with instructions on how to make one. Thank you
Recently,my son was very poorly in hospital,and after being put on a ward the "house" doctor asked him this question... If your heart should stop,do you want us to revive you..... I wondered if this...
Can someone confirm that a woman's most fertile time is 12 days after the first day of their period? And as daft as this may sound, how long are you at your most fertile for? My husband and I are...
I had a conversation yesterday with an acquaintance who was quite upset. A close family member is quite poorly and the expectation is that he will die. This person lives in Australia. Jane would like...
i don't know where to put this post.
And I don't really know why I'm posting. I'm just so upset. A lady who saw it said there was nothing I could have done but I feel terrible.
I'm slightly perturbed over a member of staff at my open plan office who has recently sold his house - I'm not sure of the details but he has sold it without finding a new home for himself (not a...
here goes!!! somethings that my other half did a while ago just didnt add up and i suspected he had been seeing someone else. i confronted him about it and he insisted that they were just friends who... 5.stm Woman too noisy during sex remanded in custody! What's the answer to her problem? Any suggestions?
where is everyone???? its far to quiet for my liking, i know Boo's on holiday but where are the rest of you? anyone got any cake/biscuits/crisps anything really i'm very hungry
Recent split, ex wont talk to me, he has asked me not to text or phone or email...but I know we still love each other...we were supposed to get married this year...I have had no contact since...
Hi there - Last Saturday myself and some friends went to a friends house. She made us home made burgers and strange chip things. Anyway, Its my turn to have friends over for a lunch, and I was...