I don't mind sharing this but I'm in my late twenties and I still love playing shops and I read today that Johnny Depp loves playing with Barbie Dolls. Is there something you haven't grown out of but...
Have you ever been on ab and wondered if you actually knew anyone on here? Have you seen something and thought, hmmm, that sounds like so and so? What would you do if you did think it was someone you...
Please look at this and discuss amongst yourselves. http://www.chargrilled.co.uk/t-shirts/viewlarg eimage.asp?url=prodimages/imagegen.ashx%3Fvpim ageid%3D1985%26tstyle%3Dm%26tsize%3Dlarge%26tc...
iI see ITV are advertising that Clocking Off (an absolutely fantastic series) is being shown shortly on ITV3. I hope they show the second, third and fourth series as well. I brought the DVD of the...
1) Do you look in a persons window when you knock on their door? 2) Have to ever had your car washed by the car cleaning people at supermarkets? 3) have you ever left chewing gum/ bogies under a...
Some will recall that I was taking J to view another flat in Perth yesterday -welll we viewed it loved it and after an entire day of wrangling with solicitors she secured it with a magnificent bid...
search marc warren on google if you don't know who he is, hes is AMAZING.. apart from when hes in the hogfather, then hes just a bit creepy, but thats intentional. anyway i LOVE him.
just read that fad it made me wonder Whats good in your life just now? Share some good news! My sister in laws dad had a heart attack last week but is recovering well in hospital, thats good news. :)...
you reap what you sow. When youre down -you find out who youre true friends either here or in the real world are -just the same as when you are eventually getting a bit of sunlight in your life....
I was watching BBC2's 'Master chef' tonight, the presenter said 'for more information on tonight's recipies press the red button on your remote' When I pressed the red button my TV turned itself off...
1) Do you ever listen to other peoples conversations? 2) Have you ever bought yorkshire tea cakes and biscuits to have with your yorkshire tea? 3) Are they well matched? 4) Have you ever forgotton...