North or South? East or West? Blue or Red? Sand or Pebbles? Cauliflower or Sprouts? Piano or Guiter? The Sun or The Daily Mail? Eastenders or Corrie? Myspace or Facebook? Daffodils or Tulips? Yes I'm...
Remaniscing today about what it was like when I was a kid ...... bob's for the gas , bob's for the lecky , party telephone lines , outside toilets that used to freeze over ! a bob for the television...
All you non smokers who complain about the cost to the NHS of smokers ,think about this. Leslie Ash ( a smoker) just got ?5,000,000 from NHS. As i type this I am drinking poison in the hopes I get...
Dotty, Boo, Whiffey - a while back there was a young lady on here who got a job to perform in a Broadway musical in New York City. She had a difficult time deciding on a choice. It was either leaving...
I was watching a film last night about a serial killer. This chap had killed 200 women before being caught. This got me to thinking about him and other infamous serial killers and how they managed to...
Britney spears photographed coming out of a drugstoree in the usa .She was in there purchasing a pregnancy test kit by all accounts.Do you think she is?Do you think thats probably the last thing in...
Where are all the old style chat rooms on the internet for the oldies like me lol! No good being nocturnal when everyone is asleep is there lmao? xx Need help!!xx very bored!! xx
i cant see what the big deal is . no-one was killed in the vid or hurt for that matter at the end of the day those two young ladies chose to do that . its hardly upsetting. what about those tribes... should be taken outside for a *&^%..................I've had to register an alter ego 'cos I strayed on to Beta - didn't do anything wrong - but can't post...
i have done it again my hubby keeps putting the lid down on the toilet and guess what i rush to the loo and pee on the lid anyone else do it be honest dont tell me i'm the only silly old moo that does...
I would argue that AB is primarily a 'written' opinion site (though called a question and answer site) What proportion of AB would you say is opinon based, or research based? (is research factual...
I dont usually air my feelings on here but you have gone to far.You have upset Bigmamma and driven her away from the site.Well im afraid its the site against you cos everyone else loves her.You really...
to be honest i think we should all have one name and no matter if u get banned u still have to use it as its hard to be consistent when u dont know who u are speaking too but my question is some of ur...
I'm leaving my job today and wanted to say cheerio to everyone before I go. Not going very far as I've got a PC at home but I'll miss the 9-5 banter. Hope you all remember to do some work as well as...