Ive just been shopping and within spitting distance i saw, Valentines day cards, Mothers day cards and then Easter eggs! wonder how long it will be till the fathers day cards come out, before or after...
http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/ChatterBank/Que stion509962.html I would like to thank every one that took part in poop quiz 3.14159 about pi(e), but I won't. After a long look at the answers I have...
Have you ever recieved a text message not meant for you or much worse, sent one to the wrong person?? A few years ago i got one from a woman that said how much she enjoyed last night, cant remember...
I'm looking for an evening/cocktail dress for the Grand national and a casino evening but I dont want 1 from the high street in case anyone else is wearing it, I'd prefer somethig a bit unusual, price...
Hi people, I am guessing you all like bargains well here's one PSP + 3games + 1 DVD for ?1. The item number is 140200147941 and can be found on eBay. you might need to hurry though as it ends in 7...
I used to be a regular here but have been offline for quite a while so i just thought i would come on and say Good Morning to all who still remember me, I hope everyone is well. Lets smile at someone...
this evening for her sons 16th. Whats the going rate for putting money in his card - ?16? Or what do you suggest I buy him so soon after Christmas? (when he got a LOT of great presents!) Hxx
OK I am not superstitious BUT....can someone venture over to AB Beta and add me as a friend as I have 13 at the moment and dont need any bad luck!!! Thanks :) Hxx
1) What is your favourite meal? 2) Do you wear cheap or expensive jewellery? 3) Have you ever bought something from sports-world? 4) Do you buy gifts for valentines day? 5) What would you buy from WH...
Isnt it a treat to see someone who can actually cook as well as give an opinion on food.Not like that baldy queen greg pansy on misterchef.I doubt he could cook a pot noodle himself , but by the looks...
You ever felt conned when you've bought something? I just bought my son some wine gums and there was no black ones in there, not a single one for me to pinch when he aint looking! What is happening...