I have been sending you the same message for 3 hours and it just isn't sending..."string/binary error" ARGH!!!
So I will try again! Hope you are OK love. Lisa x
HI ALL PLEASE VOTE FOR MASON BY CLICKING ON THIS LINK HES A REAL CUTIE http://www.bounty.com/babyphoto/browse.asp?bty sc=2&btyCurrentPage=529 THANKS IN ADVANCE
I am not normally a fan of Nigel Lawson, but it does seem to me that tonight she is playing a bit on the male sexual hormones. She has large breasts and a delightful cleavage, but what I want to know...
how many have you had since ab went all techno? i have had 3 is that good? i reckon the reason why people sit on here all day and night is to read their pms
I've come on here at this unearthly hour and its actually working at a half decent speed!!! So the conclusion I've drawn from this is its all you lot who are slowing this place down.....;0) From now...
Have you got ants in your knickers or something if so you can buy some good sprays for that now. How many more times are you going to change your avator picture and if you need any help with the spray...
my first one is of course MY MAN KEN dodd , who is the best thing since sliced legend then its tommy cooper and lee evans tell me urs come on u know it makes sense