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Following on from my question about great walks, i visited hadrians wall, (because it was nearest to me), walked most of it and took loads of footage. From about 4.00 AM i was down at the wall to...
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crossroads pg Are these spirals moving?
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DJerba m Personally i'm not bothered about it I'm in debt but what the hell I've got plently to show for it plus I'm in the process of paying it off. Does...
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Could you just pack up your belongings and move to anothercountry ?or continent ? i packed up and sold up and finished my job all withion 7 weeks from making the decision to go. that was 18 months ago...
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If you thought that your partner was cheating, what extemes would you go to so that you could catch them out? Also if you found them out, how many times would you believe their bu11sh1t and try and...
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kp nonuts
What do think about the new bar they got in there
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Is there one question that stands out in your memory from AB past? For what reason is it still in your memory, was it just funny, plain silly or quite mad?? which one ?
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After watching Britains favourite view, it made me realise how lucky we are to Live in such a beautiful country, I have two favorite views one is from the top of Both-Y-Gest, near Porthmadog, the...
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when you get told you look like your mum or dad sister nan who ever do you mind ?my bf said to me to day in tesco you look just like your mother i got right cross. lol how do you feel if it gets said...
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Cadburys are bringing Wispa Bars back, Yeeeeeeeeagggghhhh. Just had to say that :-)
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How's everyones body + soul?
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from when you were a kid? toy's, tv programmes, clothes etc, and if you don't mind me asking, what decade? i watched and loved fraggle rock and dogtanian! played with my little pony and rainbow brite,...
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Do Sundays seem longer than any other day of the week or is it just me? I guess it doesnt help that its raining and if it does stop its so wet you don't want to go out anyway! What is your ideal...
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Anybody else not bothered to get dressed today? It all seemed like too much of an effort, so I didn't.
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favourite meal , when did you last have it and when will you next have it.
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Which contraceptive gives you the least bleeding/spotting? I use the implant and on the whole that gives me pretty much a period free life. However I gather this isnt the case for some individuals. I...
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When your relationship has finished (mine did in March) and you are getting over all the heartbreak and everything else. Why is it, you still remember all the good times, and never the bad?
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k9 fott
am exttremmly bored now and cup hikking so whats yoiur favoirtte e banker member apart from me of coursicalls O h **** I is prissedd again
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I am eating a freshly baked baguette with philadelphia and some cured ham. loverrrly. washed down with some strongbow . yummy yummy yummy
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off on holiday in the morning, i have come to conclusion... after lots of counciling that the AB can manage without see you all soon!! ps.................why does the sun come...

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