I heard the Food Doctor talking on the radio, and he said that sugar is a major cause of poor health and illness, and that it is worse than the two previously regarded culprits, fat and carbs. I...
Why do some brand name drinks change taste when you go abroad? Coca-cola seems to taste the same in the US as in Britain and the rest of the world, but in Spain Irn Bru tastes like...
Q131.What is the name ,which is derived from the Greek meaning,flow down ,of the inflammatory condition of the human body which many of us might be suffering from at this time of year
Has anyone found something in a can of juice that shouldn't be there? I bought a 6 pack of cola and after unwrapping the plastic noticed one of the cans was a bit bashed. Anyway i poured it into a...
Trying to remember the name of the author of a series of crime novels set in North America (lots of snow in winter!) where a local female church minister works with the local police chief to solve...
i have heard that it is possible for a human to breed with one of the human-apes (chimps, orangutang and gorilla) Is it so? we supposedly have cmore genes incommon then horse and donkey and they can...
Whats the best way to stop mice infiltrating your home (apart from traps)? Think we've got some at the moment, don't want to kill them as I'm an animal lover.
how do you guide you children into what they ask for from Santa at xmas....apart from bicycles (large expensive) I usually say one big present and a couple of small ones (books, color pens, selection...
Hi Can anyone help me! I went to a estate agent and found a flat that I liked. I put down my 1 weeks holding deposit, along with ?58 for a reference check. The reference check came back fine, but soon...
I have read the replies about working tempatures but am still at a loss as I work in a biscuit factory where the temperature is high in the week (due to production ( hot ovens etc)) but cold on the...
Has anyone heard of this, or know anything about this? I've looked on internet and in Floodlight but can't find anything about it. Any info greatly appreciated.