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dr b
What if he had lived? Would he be touring on the oldies circuit? Would he have been the 6th Traveling Wilbury? Would he have been a "guest artist" on the Stones current tour? One can only...
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Suppose a scientist had just discovered alcohol. Which, if any, drugs classification would it be given ?
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............ I am looking for old neighbours from the late 1970s to perhaps 1981. I have no surname for them. The parents were Grace and Flix, and their children (in order from eldest) were Jerome,...
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The common picture of the inside of the atom is of extremely tiny particles separated by, on the atomic scale, huge spaces. So what is in these huge spaces? There can only be 2 possibilities: either...
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Does any A/Ber know if Sesame Street is being broadcast on any UK channel at the moment ? WR....
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I know Brucie is not very popular with some people so no comments. Just wondered why he is not there tonight.
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I read a report last week by a number of U.S peadiatricians who had studied 140,000 children between the ages of 6 and 16. They found that the average age of puberty was 9.9 years for boys and 8.8...
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FINDING A SONG WITH THE LYRICS,'' I JUST WANNA BE ''or" i just wanna see"..?? IN THE CHOURUS, seems to be a older maybe late 90ties or 2000 somthing song..its a pretty hard sounds rock song...
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Batman and Catwoman were going out on a date and were sitting in the Batcave. "Oh Batty," she gushes, "you really are the greatest of all the superheroes." "Thank you,"...
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Some TV series seem to be regularly repeated and, whilst I know DVDs are available, I have never seen Sapphire & Steel since it was first broadcast. I just wonder what other TV series people would...
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A friend recently received a phone call from a foreign sounding gentleman claiming to represent 'Windows UK' and advising him of a potential problem with Windows and offering to rectify it. The caller...
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Just seen some waltzing on TV (Andre Rieu). Some couples turned clockwise, others anti-clockwise. I am not a dancer. Is there any convention as to which way you turn when doing a waltz ?
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NASA's next probe is going to be called the Bi-curiosity rover. It's expected to go to Mars, but is also open to exploring Uranus.
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i thought he was annoying so i for one was happy for that lol
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I tried entering the Masturbation Tournament in the London Olympics - due next week - Very stiff competition though, I have heard. That's the third time I've had my application for the Special...
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(when I was young my Gran & Grandad had a loo in the back yard) My Gran was in the kitchen cooking dimmer when she SHOUTS out, "Fred! You need to go out and mend the outhouse!" Fred...
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A young bull and a old bull were stood on top of a hill looking down on a herd of cows grazing in the bottom field, the young bull said "let's run down and "service" one of those...
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We have just had a replacement toilet and cistern fitted. I asked the plumber why he had not re-connected the cistern overflow. He said that was no longer done. Apparently if there is a ball valve...
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I saw a small convoy of vehicles with strange numberplates in south east Essex this morning. The first was a very large military type truck followed by several unmarked private cars and a van, all...
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Are there parts of the sky in which the moon is never seen in ?

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