25 across. Clue: Wide-eyed, this person standing in body if church (2,3). I have: N? I?E. I can only think it's NAIVE (I in NAVE) and the clue should be la five letter word. Comments please....
I have just received a Cross Rolled Gold fountain pen, worth £205 for winning the Sunday Times crossword ! I just wanted to give my thanks to all that have helped me out, on a regular basis, on this...
For the first time ever, I completed this one without the usual help from Google. As I don't regard myself as unduly brilliant, this can mean only one thing -- it's getting far too easy. Any other...
I have been watching the snooker all week from Wales and have noticed some very odd objects similar to small fruit machines placed round the perimeter of the playing area on the floor. They must have...
6 across. Clue: A botanical garden's told to charge (6). I have: A????? 7 down. Clue: Artist at Green Gables, perhaps, wasting hours? (7). I have: ??Z???E. 29 across. Clue: Coppers possibly dress...
14 across. Clue: The morning crossword in a Sunday paper was stunning (6). I have: A?A?E? May be AMAZED but can't parse. 18 across. Clue: Officer hiding behind one lieutenant (6). I have: ?A?S?O. ,I...
17 across. Clue; Piano is not TV studio equipment (8). I have: ??I?T?O? 18 across. Clue: Friend using jagged blade to cut leg (3,4). I have: ??D ?E?? Help please.
9 across. Clue: Film with Harlow cast in lead, plot about drug (8,6). I have: P???I??? ??O???. 6 down. Clue: This - giant cross, but in rocks (11,4). I have: ????????I?N ?I?N. Help please.
16 down. Clue: Variety of open-capped mushroom used for stuffing (10). I have: P?R?O?E?L? I thought this would be easy to find but is proving elusive. Help please.