For some unknown reason, I am watching darts on TV at the moment. I can honestly say, whilst examining the audience, that I have never seen such a selection of a new found breed of the peasant class....
Does anybody else agree this programme has fallen flat on its face?? Its very over rated,far fetched,tooooo serious,has ridiculous storylines and will NEVER be in the same league as Coronation Street.
Is there a watershed for nudity on the TV? Before I go any further I do not have a problem with it, just wondering. I always thought it was 9pm, but on xmas day I watched Titanic and the topless Kate...
Help, I would like to get a dog, lots of questions though as I have never had one............ i will be working from home so I will be there all day, would never get one before as did not want to...
It is RATTER's Birthday today!!! He is the most wonderful man - intelligent, kind-hearted, funny, caring, considerate, generous, sexy and soooo lovable and I love him to bits! He has loads of other...
Hello, just thought i'd be good to find about a bit more about people so... 1. Are you male or female. 2. How old are you (approx if you're shy). 3. What do you do? 4. Are you married/single/in a...
i'm 18 and i was on the contreceptive pill for about 2 years, in september/november i kept on forgetting to take it and missing alot so i just stopped taking it stupid i know, i was waiting to come on...
Hi Ed. Any chance of having a "Books" category so that we contributors to the AB can recommend (or otherwise) authors and offer reviews on titles? I hate coming to the end of a good book and feel...
I posted an answer and mentioned one member as a turned out that he was a she, and she took offence sufficiently to raise a new post asking about whether ABers assumed a posters name was...
you have been identified as having a great match to donate a kidney, your own health will not be affected, if you had a choice would you make any stipulations on who would receive the organ eg age ,...
so i have this new bird, a parakeet, that has an injured leg...he( or she) was attacked by some other birds and now im trying to nurse it back to health...i have a cage but im scared the bird will be...
A couple always refer to having sex as 'putting the washing machine on' so as not to let the kids know what they are talking about. One night he says to her shall we put the washing machine on? She...
I was In too much of a hurry, so instead of waiting a couple of days till the bread was as it should be whizzed it up this morning with thyme, parsley and sage. The result is a mass of bright green...