My son had at least 6 transactions of £6,50 taken from his bank. One after each other. He queried it with his bank. They said he must have made them as after they had contacted the company, ( a gaming...
Good morning everyone - not so sure about the 'good' element ....we've had heavy rain, which of course we need, but not the wind which has howled thru here like a banshee and stripped all the...
Wednesday. Lots of cloud about, I can just make out the hills. Not a lot on the calendar for today, just a bit of running around, but several phone calls to make. An enjoyable day yesterday, but...
Woke up yesterday morning with a fuzzy head continued all day took paracetamol and it didn’t help, then the dizzy feeling started if I stand up I have to lean up against something to steady myself....
I've had lots of fun (not) getting on here this morning. two hours! Gremlins having fun at boaty's expense! [i]whinge moan complain grumble[i] Lots of cloud about, but I think it's going to clear...
I seem to have been 'stuck' with Canon Pixma printers for nearly 20 years, and while at best they've served me well, when they do go wrong they are horrid. So finally I want to break out and get a...
Sunday. Not very nice outside, so once the running around and shoplifting is done, I reckon I'll catch up with recoded stuff. Unless something turns up of course!
Have a happy day everyone....
How do older Japanese view the tragedy of the 2nd World War?
A gentle and cultured people, how do they explain the dreadful acts of their parents’ generation?...
Everybody out there talks about their breach of rights - well right now I’m finding having to try and understand masked people absolutely makes me sad, mad and frustrated and so I think a breach of my...