I know this is a 'how long is a piece of string' question, but how long should Duracell batteries last in a cordless mouse? Mine have only been in a couple of weeks and needed replacing. I thought...
My friend keeps gettin a pop up saying internet explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. and asks if she wants to send error report or dont send,. wen she does send it the computer...
Help I am dogsitting for someone. Although he is very well behaved, I CANNOT stop him pulling on the lead outside. I have tried standing still until he sits, but the moment I move off - so does he,...
Must have been asked before but how many wind powered generators would be needed to equal a neuclear or fossil fuel power station? Also is Scots Gov. plan to run a power line down the east coast a...
I have posted this in law also, I just wondered how you make the content of your website (photographs) copyright?x Any answer greatly appreciated, thank you,x
I use Outlook, and have realised that over the last few days my sent emails have been massively delayed. I send a message, it comes up in my sent box straightaway but the mail doesn't get received...
Hello, I am really struggling with this as I am not very technical, but need to design a website for my business. I recently attended a college course looking at webpage concepts and design and found...
I have a HP Scanjet 4070 Photosmart scanner and I need to scan some text only documents and save them to file to upload. The problem is on the current setting the file sizes are way too big and I need...
We have a fridge/freezer in the garage that is over 20 years old. I read somewhere that electrical items over 10 years old take a lot of electricity and that you can buy some kind of adaptor to plug...
I have a flat which has an old boiler for the central heating system. It works well in terms of heating the flat and heating the water, and I had it serviced last summer. But my problem is the water....