Hi, are there any teaching assistants out there who could tell me a little bit about their work, what you do each day (i know it must vary), how you got into the job and if there are any real selling...
In the book Charlotte's Web, it says: "...The geese hung around the barnyard the way boys hang around a drug store, and Mr. Zuckerman fed them corn and turnips to keep them cheerful." Is "...the way...
Bit of a long question so please bear with me. My daughter is 8 and, in her class, is a lad....i'll call him Charlie who is the same age. He lives up the road with his mum and his nan and grandad live...
every time i put on foundation my face looks all dry and flaky so i have to take it off again... can anyone recommend a type of foundation or brand that is better for dry skin and wont make this...
my neighbour keeps blocking our driveway what can we do , our street is congested but its our drive . we dont have a drop kurb but tshes always blocking us in help .
I read on frank.com (That over-advertised drug advice website) that drinking more than a pint of non-alcoholic fluid in an hour can be dangerous. Why is this?
What are the odds of two children having the same birthday? My son and daughter were born on the same day but three years apart. I don't think it's as simple as 1 in 365. Thanks for earlier replies.
My Auntie and Uncles dog went missing at midnight last night, she's petrified of fireworks and the neighbours had a small display. To cut a long story short, somehow she's managed to get out of the...
Every so often i get a sensitive scalp, and a sore throat, and ear ache, all on the same side of my body. Does anyone know what it is and what causes it? years guys and happy new year
I think having pets and the pets you have can say a lot about people. What pets do you have (have you had), what are their names and nicknames and what is their affect on your life? Any funny/silly...
What are your favourite kind of features of the opposite sex: 1. Hair colour and type (long, short, none). 2. Eye colour. 3. Height. 4. Build. 5. Any piercings/tattoos. Then for interests sake...
i have just bought my dog some treats(1week ago) i have just gone to refill the jar and the bag is full of black winged jumping/flying black bugs that have made holes in each treat,please help does...