Stuck on 1 this morning...............any help would be appreciated. 23a Come down heavily on Dickensian detective (6) B?C?E? Is it Becket? I cant fit that to the clue. Help is definitel required....
We know there are theories about HOW life began but has there ever been any attempt to work out where? So that we can say, just behind that palm tree, or under that Tesco's parking space, or next to... your least funny comedian....old and new. A couple of mine to start with. Older male...Jimmy Tarbuck-Lenny Henry Newer male...Frankie Boyle....Lee Mack Older female..Jo Brand...Sue Pollard Newer...
Okay, so Robbie Williams is vehemently anti-gay. When The People newspaper suggested he might be gay, Robbie sued for Libel. Remember that, to claim for Libel, you must allege, and prove, that the...
After Ricky gervais little joke about the 2 gay Scientology people, I just wondered what your thoughts were on weather or not they actually are gay? And why hide it?
Not sure if this is the right place or not but anyway- I have 3 children who all have their fathers surname as we were going to get married but it didn't work out. My oldest daughter is quite vocal...
...On his show on Smooth Radio this morning,Simon Bates made a big thing of never having heard the word 'chillax' before.He even played an extract from East Enders last night when it was used.A quick...
I am going travelling in a couple of weeks and am desperate to shift as many last minute pounds as possible. I am willing to try anything, no matter how unhealthy or unsustainable and will exercise as...
http://www.digitalspy...ieve-in-abortion.html Just read this and am a bit annoyed(to say the least) about his comment that "everything happens for a reason" in regards the option of abortion...
Does anyone know the title of the tv series screened in the late 70's or early 80's which I think was set during an american war. The only characters I can remember were a Frenchman called Francois...
My 12 year old son had his tie confiscated and thrown into the bin yesterday by his college head teacher because he had pulled out some of the threads and made a black "stripe" on the red...
I was made redundant from my employ 2 weeks ago, I have been lucky, however, and been offered an interview tomorrow with a company, the recruitment agency has just called to give me some advice on how...
If a much loved pet gets an incurable illness and is obviously suffering it is considered the kindest thing to do is to put it to sleep. However if a much loved relative is suffering and in pain with...
Mr Cadbury met Miss Rowntree on a Double Decker. It was just After Eight.They got off at Quality Street. He asked her name, "Polo, I'm the one with the hole" she said with a Wispa. "I'm... Generally I'm a fan of the NHS, well the idea and the intention anyway. Some of the day to day running leaves a lot to be desired but anyway, why do they...
I cannot belive that local councils up and down the land cannot find savings without cutting front line services. With all the pointless rubbish they spend money on such as climate change, diversity,...
Hi can anyone suggest a way i can stop next doors cat from coming in my garden (or any other cat) and leaving me various piles of presents i.e...poo ?
`A spray or something ??
TIA X...