My neighbours have two rabbits, and they asked casually, if they were ever away for the night, would I look after them. I said yes. Two days later they put their key through my door with a note saying...
My neighbor, who's 78, has had his car stolen 3 times in 3 months, He knew who was responsible, but when he told the police they just said. "sorry sir we need evidence" So he decided to set...
I know this is a bit ramdom but, do you class leggings as trousers or underwear? I say trousers, 18 year old daughter says underwear. Also how do you keep them up, I have just started wearing them ( I...
does anyone know why my battery hens are attacking each other? first of all i had to isolate one who was getting bullied. then i had to isolate one who the others had pecked and was bleeding. i have...
Does anyone have any experience of claiming Attendance Allowance for an elderly relative? Just completed the 'long' form and wondered how long it will take? Thanks
Staying at my sisters flat while they are away and I'm starving. There is a Tesco chicken and bacon sub in the fridge that has an expiry date of yesterday. Will it still be ok to eat or would asking...