Some months ago I made some raspberry, blackberry & blackcurrant syrup. The nearly full bottle has developed a couple of patches of mould on the surface in the past week. I'm reluctant to waste it so...
I use Outlook Express for my email and often find that when I'm the recipient of group emails sending me jokes, lots of people I don't even know are being added automatically to my address book, which...
Are you looking for an unusual gift? For those who are stuck for a personalised present for a special occasion, I've come across a company who will put your photo of choice on cushions, pillow slips,...
Has anybody opened a savings account with ICICI recently. I've read that there were a lot of problems with delays, etc. when they first opened up here and wonder whether transactions are now operating...
Does anybody know of a website which lists those savings institutions which are good at quickly increasing their rates to savers. With yesterday's bank rate increase I may want to start moving my...
I regularly send out group e-mails to private email addresses using my own e-mail address in the To: space and putting the recipients' addresses in the Bcc: space to respect their privacy and protect...
Can anybody recommend a good monthly finance magazine. I am looking for something aimed mainly at the individual investor which reviews, PEP/ISAs, Unit trusts, compares good savings accounts, etc. and...
Anybody had a flu jab this year and suffered a bad reaction? I had one a week ago and have suffered six miserable days of shivering, coughing and sneezing. Can't believe the two weren't connected.
Not sure where to post this, but read recently that in some rural area (Norfolk?) the Benefits Agency were loaning mopeds to the unemployed in rural areas to make it easier for them to travel and seek...
Has anybody resolved to change their lifestyle to try and reduce the effect sof global warming, even if it means adopting measures which are more expensive or inconvenient? Or are you happy to adopt...
Please settle an argument. If you take your foot off the throttle and put your gear lever into neutral whilst driving down hills, is your car still using any petrol?
In the summer I bought an unnamed red leaved plant from a garden centre and it's been in a pot on my patio all summer, growing spectacularly It doesn't have flowers. The leaves, which grow fast, are...
Every time I download Microsoft updates from the internet my e-mail defaults to Outlook instead of Outlook Express. It's driving me crazy. Outlook Express is set on my computer as default but it still...
Can any body suggest how I can overcome group e-mails I send out to about 50 members of a local organisation being rejected because their ISP probably thinks they are spam? AOL users seem to be...
We bought some new season's walnuts in our local market today. Every single nut was stamped with a totally illegible red ink logo. What on earth is the point of this? Is it another crazy EEC food...
Bought a waxed carton of pomegranite juice yesterday. It's the first time I've ever bought i this juice and on opening it a dark muddy brown liquid poured out which had a rather acrid taste. Is this...
Has anybody read about a new initiative called Cool Earth, which Frank Field, former Labour Minister is helping to launch, to enable individuals to buy areas of rainforest to save them being destroyed...
Anybody switched their central heating on yet? And if you haven't, any tips for keeping warm and delaying the evil moment? We always try and delay switching it on as long as possible as...