Wiz, I was going to post on your Keyplus thread tonight to say hope you're better now, but there's no submit an answer button - and then I spotted this....
After reading through the replies to Ankou's question below and your defence of Mohammed having sexual relations with a 9 year old girl (No one objected at that time about Muhammad (pbuh) marrying...
Some of you may be aware of my families friends recent troubles with social services. My question is, can social services "tap" your phone if they believe a child may be at risk? The partner of my...
We know that the God of the Old Testament is a monster. To list his crimes against humanity would take up too much space here, but they include ordering the wholesale slaughter of tribes ? men, women,...
After been adicted to heroin for 16yrs I have finally stopped, im now clean for 3months.. what i would love to do is get a tatoo that represents all the misery it brourght and the strength its took to...
would the current craze for the "I was abused as a kid" type books come under? I mean the type of books that all seem to have followed on from Dave Peltzer's books. thanks.
I really need some help.. a couple of days agop my boyfriend was acting weirdly so i kept pestering him to tell me what was the matter. He told me that a new girl had started at his workplace and that...
I really had to share this I invite you all to share your awful jokes! I'll get us started: Q: What has one wheel and humms? A: A Wheelbarrow full of manure All the best, Spare Ed
I have been going out with my boyfriend for a few months now, we are both really happy and everything is going well. Except there is one thing bothering me and that is his ex girlfriend. They were in...
I am an idiot! I have been charged with Section 4a of the Public Order Act and I need to appear in Manchester Court in 2 weeks. The event happened about 2 months ago. I am gardener with my own...
how do you get a child off an at risk register when there is no risk to that child? (quite the opposite) what is the social services protocol for keeping a child on, or taking a child off, such a...
Any ABers had any dealings with social services? A family friend was arrested a couple of weeks ago for lifting his girlfriends 14 yr old son and throwing him on the sofa during a family arguement. He...
Can anyone tell me what are the requirements for claiming Employment Support Allowance on the grounds of the new (and stricter) benefit allowance for people with mental health issuses? ie: would a...
For the past couple of days I have had an uncomfortable feeling about 6 inches left of my navel and about 3 inches up. Its not painful as such, just feels like my insides are been squeezed. I also...
There are lots of people in my office who just don't understand the finer points of wasting time at work. Lots of people are so afraid of getting caught, they don't waste time at work. well i like...
On tonights (repeated) Eggheads, Kevin Ashman correctly answered a question about a 2008 Metalica album. How on earth does someone of his age group and generation know ANYTHING about a heavy metal...