Christians - if Jesus ever returns, as he promised, will you recognise him, or will you consider him to be a deluded lunatic (with all due respect to our very own Luna-tic)? What would he need to say...
Anybody know if you are retired but receiving some benefits - can you do voluntary work without losing your benefits. I received a form to fill in re vol work and it is asking questions like are you...
why are the religious people on here so obsessed with sex? Ive noticed, time and time again that somewhere in the threads that religionists will bring up the subject when the topic is about something...
going to Dublin early Friday morning. My two kids are fighting in the Irish open kick boxing championships at the weekend so wont have much time to sightsee during then, however we have all of Friday...
Hiya going on 1st holiday abroad, can anyone tell me the procedure at the airport from when you 1st arrive to gettin off the plane and then what do we do once we arrive at the other end. Also what are...
Today Mohammed Hamid got sentenced to prison for terrorist activies. The BBC have his potted life history on their web site (see below). I wonder how much this piece of scum has cost this country...
I have said this before and i'll say it again. You da man! I've not seen you lose one argument on this thread and your obviously incredibly intelligent. I really wish people would pay more attention...
I was going to join naomi's thread about proving the existence of God, but the fact that there have been (at the time of writing) 124 answers, I'm sure that the obvious one ? it's impossible ? must be...
My neighbour smokes a lot of marijuana. (Smell it.) Not a problem. But the other day a friend of his came round with a carload of his children aged from 5 to 10-ish. They waited in the car while he &...
I've just received a PM on Sportsbank from Theland - and he's not at all well. He's taking early retirement from his job at the end of next week, and had hoped to find other work, perhaps on a part...
Im asking about this for someone else.. The problem is that the computers system tray (at the bottom of screen where start menu is) has decided for some reason to go vertical up the left hand side of...
Going to London at the weekend and thinking of going to the London Dungeon. Has anyone been? What did you think? Also have found cheap tickets online but they aren't fast track, does anyone know if...
I have two female pet rats (or rather my kids have two female pet rats) and we have noticed what would appear to be blood in the urine. We aquired them about 2 months ago (when they were 4 months old)...