In spite of all of the alleged evidence to the contrary, I am convinced that the atheistic view of the world is totally flawed, and unworthy of serious consideration. We all have a duty to revise our...
Theland, I've just been reading the post below by wizard66 and you made a comment about Alpha being way off the mark. Can you expand a bit further for me? I'm going through an Alpha course at the...
Hi all. I posted this question in TV, but might have better chance in here. I recently watched a great film (part of the White season on tv) called White Girl.In one scene the girl repeats a phrase...
I have been charged with common assault (battery) following an incident in December last year when I was working as a doorman at a nightclub. A fight had begun near the entrance to the premises...
Bob Larson on tv tonight (not sure what channel it was on) casting out demons? Sure made me realise the neccesity for more 'care in the community' innitiatives. Talk about 'primal scream therapy'....
Please can someone fill me in on a GBH charge going to crown court - what might happen? The guy concerned is my lovely boyfriend who has no criminal record as an adult, only things when he was a...
I am a security guard for a well known hardware store.Recently i observed a male on cctv eat sweets in store without payment (theft by consumption).The suspect then approched the helpdesk where this...
It's taking me teo to three minutes to get to view different pages, yet other web sites I log on to are O.K. so it is not my computer. Anybody else having difficulties?
On 19 November I was being stupid and showing my new car off to my mates by doing one handbake turn in the maiddle of the raod. I then mounted the pavement in my car in order to speak to my friends...
missed the answer to one of the questions and its really bugging me. What 90's pop group shared its name with people that travelled to various parts of the country to support strikers? tia...
i was the victim of common assualt in which my ex was the defendant he pleaded not gulity and found GUILTY what is he looking at getiing when sentenced? he has lots of previose convitcions!!
I was reading that Jade goody was being questioned as to why her 4 yr old son was not in school every day, I thought that until a child was 5 they were not legally obliged to be in school. Am I wrong?...
for the length of this post. Secondly, for the fact that I appear to be 'breaking rank'. Thing is, for the first time in a long while, I find myself on my own. No mrs wiz or kids around me (and yes,...
my friend was involved with gang fighting, what actually happened was that one night out him and his mates about 4 of them altogether decided to fight this one guy! They beat him up and when he was...
"To thee I phenge my ewitt, and by this sword ...... " Part of an inscription scratched on a broken medieval urn found in the ruins of a Stoke On Trent bingo hall. Was phenging your ewitt a pagan or...