I was going to buy a Kindle, but instead installed the Kindle app.on my Samsung tablet which seems to work very well..can anyone tell me if this is a good idea, is it a lot better to use a Kindle, do...
In the society described in the Ragged Trousered Philanthropist, what changes would you have recommended to improve the lot of the workers suffering such penury?
I was a Brownie ( will that be changed to something else now?) I suppose I was a product of Baden Powells teachings, I learnt etiquette, camaraderie and much more as a small girl, how can they erase...
Long story short I’ve been seeing this girl bearing in mind I work with her. She’s 19 and I’m 24, we both like each other but I am finding it hard for her to commit, obviously I’m 24 years of age and...
Just listened to the Labour leader on PMs questions, what a boring man he seems to be, one tone Starmer! Labour have no hope under his leadership, looks like i'll be 'lending' my vote to the Tories...
I don't care who it is if it works...
Hi everyone. (Once again) New fish tank, water in, live plants in, plant fertilizer in and filter good bacteria in. After leaving for 24 hrs I did a water test prior to the purchase of fish. The...
When in the Merchant Navy we went up the Saigon River in Vietnam and were attacked by river pirates who boarded the ship. This was in 1963. Would be interested to hear from any other MN crew members...
I paid for a product using my Debenhams credit card,i`m having a full refund as i don`t need it, can a refund be made back to a credit card as it has no sort code or account number ?
OK, so we moved the cherry tree and followed all the advice It's roots were a bit wimpy apart from some sort of tap root which I had to chop at about two feet deep. That was nearly four weeks ago,...
I'm convinced that I saw Lady B telling Mrs T that she had had 14 children and that she actively disliked two of them, but I can't find it in Catch-up. Can someone please confirm my memories....
Some are denouncing the closure of parks: https://www.express.co.uk/celebrity-news/1265146/Laurence-Fox-Twitter-coronavirus-council-park-closed-backlash-news-latest-update Some say that it's okay to...