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sorry, i could not get my answer to follow robber 1's. all right, then, men ARE allowed to give their worth and wealth of knowledge, for the love of Jesus!
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How long is it from the time menses start becoming irregular until they are completetly gone? Also, is painful intercourse limited to that time only? Ladies only answer, please. I prefer the voice of...
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it is written on a metal bell i've got. what does it mean? thank you much.
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I was just thinking that maybe the archive could have a box with key word- go just as you have category search- go. That way you do not have to go through the whole 200 plus articles if you are...
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What does it mean? thank you.
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What does it mean? thank you.
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where do you guys find those proverbs in code such as bliteotb? is it school or online? thank you much.
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How long does it take for a heavy smoker (a pack a day) to get lung cancer? What about someone who smokes only one cigarette a day? thank you much.
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could somebody tell me how long you have to be separated before getting a divorce in the UK? it usually is a year in the US. do you get a separation agreement at the time with your's and your spouse's...
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Dear answerbankers, why is it that in Spanish we say el gato tiene 7 vidas, elgato tiene 7 vidas, but in English we say the cat has 9 lives?are English cats healthier? do they get more checkups?...
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my daughter has a 7 month old puppy, and he eats his own excrement sometimes. can someone tell me why? any experts? any vets out there? Thanks a lot.
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What is a daisy chain?
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Who said "We are all ignorant but in different areas"? Thanks in advance. Worder

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