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24 across armoured battleship can lord it endlessly at sea I?O? C?A?...
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Good morning everyone - not a bad day here but there's still quite a lot of underlying humidity which is very sneaky when there's also a cool breeze and mild sunshine ....needless to say I'm not...
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Good morning everyone - and firstly our very best wishes for a speedy recovery go out to deecee131 ( or Don Corleone as some of you may remember him ) who is back in hospital - news of this reached us...
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Good morning everyone - lovely sunny warm day again, and luckily the predicted 40d for Monday has been revised, so that's even better !! And driving through the hills yesterday we noticed the amount...
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Good morning everyone - it seems my fervent wish that Autumn might come early has perhaps been heard ....the temp this next week will be in the mid 20's which is quite unusual for February, so I can...
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Good morning everyone - well the sun is shining, there's a slight cool breeze, nothing to complain about ..... so I won't !! But tootling through the Adelaide Hills yesterday I noticed some of trees...
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Good morning everyone - looks like a reasonable week ahead of us which for the start of February is most unusual ...the school children returning usually means high 30's for the week ...very pleasant...
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Good morning everyone - overcast and a bit muggy here after some amazing falls of rain over the past 24+ hours long as there's no very hot weather from now on it might be a nice start to the...
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Good morning everyone - well it's grey and mild and thank goodness, no more humidity !!!! We rarely have humidity here ...well having said that, it used to be the case, but nowadays it turns up out of...
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Good morning everyone - heading towards the high 30's here for the next couple of days then a bit of a break so we're making the usual plans for 'hibernating' till it has all gone away ...again !!...
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Good morning all - pleasant summer weather here, sunny mild and a gentle breeze, but tomorrow it's out to get us again ....shouldn't last too long though, hopefully !! Now for the links - well no...
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20 across naughty kiss by ace before evening of entertainments (5 3)...
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Plugging Awa
Also called orbital mechanics, the science of the motion of bodies such as rockets in space? A*T*O*Y*A*I*S? Help appreciated....
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Good morning everyone - it's been one of those starts, today, but hopefully life has calmed down a little and I can now get our game underway ...luckily the computer has seen fit to behave itself...
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Hi All with the heap of fixtures played over Christmas and New year here is how Answerbank Fantasy Football league is looking, All teams have played 20 games: Pos. Team. (Goals). Points 1. Wordsley...
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Stuck on 22 down Suppress mischievous little fellow - that things upsetting (6 letters S?I??E)...
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Good morning everyone - an a Happy New Year to all !! My resolutions - do not change my mind !! well that's one and that'll do for starters !! and then we'll see how it all pans out from there !! and...
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Good morning everyone - from a rather warm spot down under, where the temp is a lazy 38d and has been up to 44 earlier ...and believe me ...that is not pleasant !! I'd planned to have a quiet day,...
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Scroll down to see the nude Santa * * * For crying out loud. Act your age. There is no Santa! Sometimes I just can't believe you!!!...
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x-ray eyed deer

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