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I am still wondering about my final letter (31a - see my posting yesterday at 18.50). Any ideas, please?
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Happy New Year!! I have completed most of the normal cryptic but havent an idea of the link between the ones with no clue onlly that it says they are linked by a themewhich is almost very topical. If...
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10 Across HMS Glasgow 8 letters 2 Down It had chewed it, shoot 4,4,5 letters 6 Down Golfers of US or me? 5,8 Any help with these three would be much appreciated . Thanks
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I harm Northern City (M???I) Miami ? number on a rabbit displayed with help (13) ?h?n?b???i???
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5 across"..or cry for 7" (4letters) The 7 may refer to 7down which is "periodical puzzle" Also 1 across is "orator's manner" (8letters) and 5 across may be the trigger for them all.
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...3,20,24,25 (3) T?? any ideas thanks!
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For 19D & 40D Is the theme word NOEL, LEON, LONE or LENO? thanks Scotman
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Mythical eagle which devoured the liver of Prometheus E?H?N Marsh plant with round flower haeds and oily seeds3,4 B?R ?E?D Tennis player 7 OP?N?ES Would be very grateful for any help!! kjsgran
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Last 2 I think..41dn..English pianist left difficult opening for a piper perhaps? 72ac Foolish way to hit the nail H?E?A?T...Thanks to Citlec yesterday as i had Thomas Jacob in and it messed it up a...
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Can anyone, please, put me on the right track for the four anagrams _ I am afraid I just don't understand the instructions!
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Is anyone else doing this as ive got about half and come to a complete stop?
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Amor66 - the suggestion for 39 down - Hentschel - do you know the reasoning behind this and do you have 47 across
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johnson to smollett
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Still stumped with 32 Across (11) S ? R ? A ? F ? ? ? ? Big Dave can you help?
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can anyone provide a clue as to the seasonal link? I have solved most of the cryptic clues and happy to share answers, but no progress on the seasonal link. Cheers, and best wishes to all for 2009

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