I have my late mothers property for sale and as probate was granted over 6 months ago I have now received an invoice for the council tax. As I only work part time I have asked if this can be put on...
We are trying to persuade our daughter to buy her first flat/house! How do the banks/building societies work out how much they will lend you?
I am thinking of buying a Next Retro Mixer with some gift vouchers I have been given.
Does anyone know which electrical company makes these for Next?
What are the best fashion websites? I'm after a white top that's longer at the front and shorter at the back, I've looked on very. com and boo hoo.com, any advice? X
Sadly my mother passed away at Christmas and I have been left with trying to sell her retirement flat. I have had it on the market for 3 yrs now, changed estate agents at couple and reduced the price...
Can anyone recommend a really comfortable make that are suitable for work and casual - my feet are killing me in this warm weather! My sister is law advises Fly of London.....but they're a bit too...
What's the name of that gel that you get for mouth ulcers that makes a protective cover? A temporary crown must have a rough edge and it's made my inside cheek red raw with a yellow patch. It's really...
I am researching my family tree and have found out that my late Mother inherited around £12000 in the early 1950's - just interested to know would that of been considered a 'large' amount then and...
I am researching my family tree and have come across a distant relative who was born in Texas in 1896. His father, I think was Norwegian and his mother came Manchester. Unfortunately his father died...
Jesus is walking around with Moses playing a round of golf and they come upon a water trap. Jesus turns to moses and says, "Didn't you do something with water?" and Moses says yeah, and proceeds to do...
1st sighting. 9 50 pm for 4mins. W departing ESE
2nd sighting 11 26 pm for 1 min. W departing W
Last night was spectacular so might be in luck again...
Has anyone purchased any of their personalised jewellery? I am wanting to buy a bracelet (to remember my Mum by) and have called into H. Samuel today but they don't sell the personalised jewellery so...
I have joined Ancestry but come to a halt with everything.......does 'Find my Past' have anything different on it or is it all much the same?