Phil Lynott's battle with drugs and drink is well known. Having taken heroin, he collapsed on Christmas Day 1985. Ten days later, on 4 Jan 1986, Phil succumbed to 'pneumonia and heart failure due to... well Rodders has had no impact and the hard left, terrorist supporting Anti Semites are...
Cant get to sleep so watching the rubbish on early morning tv.Storage Wars must be some kind of a wind up.Idiots with more money than sense bidding thousands of dollars for old junk.Seriously?
morning, Monday already, if anyone is mad enough to be awake at this hour please do keep me company. I hope that you are all as well as can be and that you are in good spirits. Anything planned for...
Anyone know what happend to the £millions that this Gentleman raised for the NHS .......................................Did the NHS Bosses spent it wisely ???............................................
How are you spending yours? We are off out to a local Indian Restaurant, early evening, then we can come home and put our feet up. No thinking what to have, no preparation,no cooking and no washing...
We used to go out to our local and queue to get in we’d all take something for the buffet table, everyone knew each other so it was like one big happy family , the juke box would be blasting out and...
What food did you enjoy eating most this Christmas. ( not drink) I bought a small joint of brisket. I popped it in a thick freezer bag first and boiled it for an hour, then into a hot oven and roasted...
Now is the time that Brits start to book their Summer Holidays Abroad . Will the ...Basking in the sun ,drinking, Pina Calada's on the beaches of the Med Holiday, become a thing of the... New Year's Eve plans in England have been given the green light, as Sajid...
Health Warning: American cops are dangerous. Opening fire in a crowded shop at a guy carrying a bicycle lock - you couldn't make it up. Los Angeles Police Chief Michel Moore said, "I am profoundly...
...I'd like to take this opportunity to wish all AB'ers & their families & friends the best Christmas possible, followed by a healthy & Happy New Year!
Stay safe & well, all :-))...
A Scottish Winter Poem It's winter here in Scotland And the icy breezes blow At 70 miles per hour And 20 degrees below Aye, I love my Scotland When the snow is up yer butt Ye take a breath o' winter...