David Cameron is under fire for dismissing refugees in Calais as a "bunch of migrants" during Prime Minister's Questions. Those at Calais are just a bunch of migrants. They are in a safe country, no...
Jeremy Corbyn demands the Home Office loosen up the rules so ANYONE who can claim a connection to Britain can get in Going to be a vote winner that one - perhaps he is trying to get shedloads in so he...
I bet not, thats why Gideon is planning hitting the Middle class hard worker. Soon it wont be worth working hard in this country, oh well someone has to fund the MP's Gold plated pensions, immigrants...
The words of a facist right-wing racist? Nope its the wise words of a lefty ! About time someone spoke some sense. It's only what the sane among us have said for years; only to be slated as little...
Or is immigration a taboo subject. Mass uncontrolled immigration causes stress on the infrastructure which is what we are now suffering in hospitals, houses and now schools. And many of these...
Can anyone tell me why this failure of the MWSD department got a Dame?...
So how long before the Minority right-on rulers get their cataracts sorted ?
Or, since the Germans are achieving by stealth what they failed to do in two World Wars does it not matter any more?
Well Angie, what have you got to say about this? http://news.sky.com/story/1618820/police-report-describes-cologne-attacks-mayhem And once they get their EU passport, guess where this lot will be...
So its a diet of carrots and nothing else. Even if you dont live longer it will certainly feel like it! No one took notice of the more lax guidelines so whoon earth is going to take a jot of notice of...
Clearly getting a job has not crossed their tiny self centered minds. Now I know they are both not carrying a full load but surely anyone who cannot see the problem should not be walking the streets,...
Certainly does not look good.
And Comrade Corbyn and his brothers in alms answer to this problem: Spend more!
So any guesses what Comrade Corbyn will do? Will he play the Statesmen and accept that if he gives a free vote not everyone will go with him or will he wreak his revenge on anyone seen not singing the...
http://news.sky.com/story/1615421/uk-soldiers-may-face-iraq-war-crime-charges OK, so if war crimes have been committed then it needs clearing up, but surely these would be so obvious and would not...