Only 10" to spare. They seem to have been very lucky, I dont think I will try it, the old ymb waistline is a bit more than that...
OK, so it does not have the raw power of the top models but how many people really will use that anyway? A smartphone for £26, even if you do have to import it from India (although no duty as it is... How long can we hold out without getting involved in some way? When even the Iranians dont like an extremist group then... I sort of see where he is coming from, but fining the poor? If they are poor then how will fining them help? What if the... Bit of a turn around but its always best to keep your friends close but your enemies closer I suppose. Wars often make strange... OK, before you lynch me that is tongue in cheek. But serioulsy what about the otehr findings: 1) The British Social... I'm sure there will be a metropolitan appologist along in a minute to defend them but on a serious note this is not good. Many amongst these... This practice has to stop. Here in the UK we do not live like this and we should not tolerate people who do or want to. But... It's actually good news as it means the economy is picking up much faster than originally thought (Bad news for you...
//The Prime Minister has stressed the need for an "honest and trusted broker" for the top job in Brussels as he ramped up his campaign to stop Luxembourg's former prime minister Jean-Claude Juncker...
Perhaps the passport 'fiasco' is a blessing in disguise for those sun seekers!...
or fall to the wayside like cahoot? OK if you have £750 a month going in so I guess they are targeting away from the poor.... 70 years on and most of the brave men that were at hell on earth about this time (7:20 on) are getting too old to travel. I'd... Negative interest rate on deposits. Never heard of in a major central Bank. They must be worrying. More moves from the ECB to follow.... So one person complained. I wonder from which religious persuasion they came from? Do ABers think it is too provocative? and...
So the Governments of the day (both colours so I am not trying to score political points here at all) ignored it. Why ?