http://www.dailymail....tml?ito=feeds-newsxml Would you be happy to sample ? Afterall we drink cows milk - dont we ? We digest human bodily fluids by for example, kissing dont we - tongues and all ?...
Can someone PLEASE explain what in God's name is happening here: http://www.dailymail....remists-face-EDL.html I thought the accepted line was that Muslim extremists get away with saying and doing...
I think this whole things stinks, the septics are upset because he leaks stuff they don't like and the turnips are brown nosing....
Myself - I would back the Government's efforts to rescue any Brit abroad who was in trouble within reason (ie. we should never negotiate with terrorists). However, there are some who are saying...
( I'm posting this as a separate question , as i'm genuinenly interested ) Persumably they will be crossing the pond on Airforce 1 . How does security on the journey works ? Does he have a couple of...
Will anybody ever vote for the Tory or Liberal party in the future
Lets hope the people of Tooting are fully paid up BUPA members... After postings upon postings on the subject of benefit scroungers, are we now to see and end to the whole disgusting matter? Or is this an attack on the least able, just...
An Obituary printed in the London Times - Interesting and sadly rather true Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure...
Was David Cameron right when he said yesterday "end this human rights insanity", as judges rule paedophiles and rapists should have chance to get off sex offenders' register? Well in the...
They should stay on the register for life 'Only individuals sentenced to more than 30 months for a sex-related crime are required to register with police for life' Anyone sentenced to 30 months+ has...
starting to realize that democracy is not against the law.
Going by the past week after Egypt succeeded, then Iran and Yemen have started their protest and now Bahrain today?...
Was this teacher within her rights to spray chemical air fresheners at Asian kids who "smelled of curry"? Should she have been banned from...
I feel that outside of America Obama is well liked but what are the feelings within America. I saw this picture http://www.womansday....a-Embarrassed-Yet.jpg and it just made me wonder that if there...
My apologies if this has already been posted but good God, what is with some people!! The thugs who done this deserve to be in prison. Poor Girl What the hell drives these scumbags to do this??...
A man has been arrested following a complaint that Crawley Town's FA Cup song featured a supporter mocking the victims of the Munich air crash.
This follows on from an earlier question set by me. Did any of you watch this on TV last night? If so what are your comments? Should these establishments for teaching hatred and violence now be closed...
As we are the softest touch in Europe, probably the entire world, will the contents of places like this end up here?...