a27de5e7c20a7b3f.html What can be done to protect the children at risk from these kinds of people? Is there anythng to stop him going and doing the same...
Only 1 in 8 police stations are open to the public 24 hours a day. Is it reasonable for the police stations to keep normal shop/business hours?
I see another Labour member has joined the 'do as I say not as I do' brigade along with Blair, Abbott, Harmon and, I suspect, many others. Now personally I don't see anything wrong in...
i think freedom of choice has gone forever.i smoked up to 6 years ago then gave up so i can see views from a smokers point of view as well as a non smoker. ire/6231705.stm There are some fantastic people working to keep us healthy and dedicated to our care, I've been treated brilliantly by some wonderful...
before the public feel so unprotected that they take the law into there own hands? readID=4861&&&edition=1&ttl=20061130105923 When will the powers that...
Let us say the motorcycling fraternity created a religion, which they are quite entitled to do. Would their be support for them wearing their crash helmets in banks and convenience stores. I THINK...
Just heard that the muslim teaching assistant,who refused to remove her veil in class,as now been dismissed by the local authority. In my opinion this is a victory for common sense. Your views please.
An earlier question has prompted me to wonder.. Why is it the EU have acheived what hitler and others have failed to acheive? Why is it that when there's a military invasion we repel it with vigour...
They are now using commas in place of decimal points in garages and Supermarkets. Are we not cowed enough by the EU beast? Must they subjugate us totally? Is this just mopping up the last of the...
The french are on the verge of electing a woman Preident which is all well and good in these days of equal oppurtunities But I just hope she isn't suffering from PMT when her finger is on Nuclear...
I cuaght a bit of Lorraine Kelly this morning before heading off to work, there was a story about a girl from Texas who had had lypo and a tummy tuck at the age of 12. She was apparently a UK size 24...
Time to repeal? As every single day there is a report where one of life's wastes of space has used this piece of legislation to either hide behind or obtain compensation, the latest being the...
Some one somewhere has to take a brave stand at the money making exercise that this labour govt has embarked upon. We pay horrendous taxes and then another form of tax called the council tax has been...
I have noticed on this website that once an item disappears from the radar (not on the current page) the replies stop coming. With such a hot topic and still under discussion by the USA and Britain it...
I'm trying to understand what it is about Islam that seems to cause such fevor in it's adherents. It is, by far, the fastest spreading relegion in the world so there must be something. I'm looking for...,,2-2451 928,00.html Do people think this would be a good or a bad thing if the EU force the Government to let us order cheap beer and cigarettes over the...